
This function create a instance of NumInt!(F, F) for the DE formula. * It is also known as "Tanh-sinh quadrature". * In the DE formula, the integration (1) is converted to (2). * (1) int_{xa}^{xb} f(x) dx * (2) int_{ta}^{tb} f(g(t)) g'(t) dt * * The type of DE formula is automatically decided from the given interval of the integration. * * Params: * xa = starting value of original integration. * xb = end value of original integration. * isExpDecay = if the integration is formed as int_a^b f(x) exp(-x) dx, this value is Yes. otherwise No. * trapN = division points of trapezoidal quadrature. * ta = starting value of integration transformed by DE-formula. * tb = starting value of integration transformed by DE-formula. * * Reference: *

NumInt!(F, F)
F xa
F xb
Flag!"isExpDecay" isExpDecay = No.isExpDecay
size_t trapN = 100
F ta = -5
F tb = 5


// integration on [0, 1]
auto int01 = makeDEInt!real(0, 1);

// int_0^1 x dx = 0.5
assert(int01.integrate((real x) => x).approxEqual(0.5));

// int_0^1 x^^2 dx = 1/3
assert(int01.integrate((real x) => x^^2).approxEqual(1/3.0));

// int_0^1 log(x)/sqrt(x) dx = -4
assert(int01.integrate((real x) => log(x)/sqrt(x)).approxEqual(-4, 1E-12, 1E-12));

// int_{-1}^0 log(-x)/sqrt(-x) dx = -4
assert(makeDEInt!real(-1, 0).integrate((real x) => log(-x)/sqrt(-x)).approxEqual(-4, 1E-12, 1E-12));

// integration on [-1, 1]
auto int11 = makeDEInt!real(-1, 1);

// int_{-1}^1 1/sqrt(1-x^2) dx = pi
assert(int11.integrate((real x) => 1/(1 + x^^2)).approxEqual(PI/2, 1E-12, 1E-12));

// integration on [-inf, inf]
auto intII = makeDEInt!real(-real.infinity, real.infinity);

// Gaussian integral
assert(intII.integrate((real x) => exp(-x^^2)).approxEqual(sqrt(PI)));

import std.mathspecial;
// integration on [1, inf] and integrand is expected to decay exponentially
auto intFI = makeDEInt!real(1, real.infinity, Yes.isExpDecay);

// compute incomplete gamma function: int_1^inf x * exp(-x) dx = Gamma(2, 1)
assert(intFI.integrate((real x) => x * exp(-x)).approxEqual(gammaIncompleteCompl(2, 1) * gamma(2)));
